Sugar Skull Painting & Drum Circle
Fun for all ages!
Paint your own Sugar Skull & Group Drum Circle.
Join us for a lighthearted afternoon of painting, celebrating and drumming!
Snapshot of Sugar Skulls: In Mexico, death is presented with sweetness and nostalgia. The sugar skulls on the altar illustrate the passage from the earthly to the spiritual; they are considered an allusion to death so that we remember that it is always present. Therefore, life on earth must be fully lived.
They are purposely bright and colorful to celebrate the lives of the departed. Día de los Muertos is an uplifting holiday, not a sullen one.
All painting supplies included.
Please bring a drum or percussion instrument for the drumming circle.
Inexpensive drums, tambourines, rattles and more can be found online. Please let me know if you would like links to any of these items.
pre-register & pre-payment are required for art supply purposes
Cash, check or Venmo:
An online payment link will be emailed to you after registering.